Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Negativity = Impowerment

This week has been rough. I have been down on myself a bit and not really wanting to continue working so hard without anything to show for it. Than out of no where comes that one negative ninny that gives me the push I need to continue working my butt off.

I have been working harder than ever for the last year trying to get ready for the launch of this book. I never realized how much was going to go into it before I would see any results or satisfaction. I still have a good six months of hard word until that day comes but I started this journey and plan on following it all the way.

You know in the past the negative people would have had the opposite effect on me.  I would have listened to them and put myself down, letting go of my dreams for the sake of one persons opinion. Dumb right!

Now every time some one is negative I use all their energy to keep pushing forward. I wait for the day that the last laugh is mine. I know how how easily I usually give in or give up. Not this time.

I know that the ultimate prize is that the book is done and out there. I know that it is a good story and when people begin to read it I will get some good feed back. I also know that the negative feed back will start to come in too.

I say bring it on. I told a true story and it was my story to tell. I am so happy and proud of myself that nothing will get me down. I ask that if anyone does read my story fell free to give me feedback good or bad.

Find me on facebook Renata Kell-Bangs
find my book at Tate Publishing http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=978-1-62854-283-7

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