Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Have a Little Faith It Goes a Long Way

Today is a weird day for me. I have been given an unbelievable opportunity to have a career that most only dream of. I was selected for a program that takes individuals such as myself who have very little experience and places them in a six figure position.

I feel so honored and blessed and yet I am so torn. I find myself trying to make this happen but for whatever the reason things do not seem to be adding up. I have the job but do to the tools needed and the expenses involved I may loose this once in a life time chance.

I know this sounds odd and maybe you are thinking the same thing I though. this is too good to be true it must be a scam. After investigating and researching I found out this was an actual real honest career.

On one hand I am so proud of myself for being one out of 800 people to be offered this chance. On the other hand I feel extremely upset that I may have to let someone down because I am unable to provide the necessary tools.

I guess I have to look at it as I usually do . If It is meant to be God will make it happen.

The reason I right this is to give others the same attitude I had when I applied for this position. You never know who might be looking for you. Never think your not good enough. Sometimes life is just waiting for you to have faith in yourself.


Oh my gosh. I am holding the first bound copy of my book. It is only the proof but to see it and hold it in my hands is the most amazing feeling. Of course I had to sign it and give it to Danny. Ha Ha.
This just means I am so close to going to print. I will let everyone know when I have more information. I just wanted to say that some of the best things in life are worth waiting for. It has been a long nine months but in the end I couldn't have pictured the book turning out any better than it has. Thank you to all who supported me and believed in me.

My book is on it's way.

Oh my gosh. I am holding the first bound copy of my book. It is only the proof but to see it and hold it in my hands is the most amazing feeling. Of course I had to sign it and give it to Danny. Ha Ha.
This just means I am so close to going to print. I will let everyone know when I have more information. I just wanted to say that some of the best things in life are worth waiting for. It has been a long nine months but in the end I couldn't have pictured the book turning out any better than it has. Thank you to all who supported me and believed in me.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

God Bless the Greedy Heart, God Bless the Unselfish Soul

God Bless the Greedy Heart, God Bless the Unselfish Soul

God bless the greedy heart, the heart who is willing to watch those they love fall flat
God bless the unselfish soul, willing to give the shirt off their back, even if it’s their last shirt
God bless the greedy heart, those more worried about how much they have than who they have
God bless the unselfish soul, people who will help all those in need, even if it puts them out
God bless the greedy heart, people who are able to do good, but won’t unless there is a reward
God bless the unselfish soul, someone who feels for others in need, as if they were in need with them
God bless the greedy heart, those who would hurt someone, than blame them for hurting
God bless the unselfish soul, someone who would hurt themselves rather than to hurt others
God bless the greedy heart, whose tombstone will say: Here lays a person with a million dollars
God bless the unselfish soul, whose tombstone will say: Here lays a person who shared love a million times.

A man drowning in quicksand; two people watching; an able bodied man and a man in a wheel chair;
The able bodied man has a greedy heart that worries of falling in
The man in the wheel chair has an unselfish soul and knows how it feels to need help
Who do you think will reach out a saving hand?
Yep the man in the wheel chair dives forward every time, unable to pull the man out of quicksand but able to hang on till someone else can help.

I don’t know about you but I want my tombstone to say here lays a person who shared love a million times.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy birthday to me
Nearly three years drug free
Happy birthday to me
A birthday I almost didn't see
Happy birthday to me
It feels good to be free
Happy birthday to me
Thank God who helped me see
Happy birthday to me
This is the way its supposed to be
Happy birthday to me
Sure feels Great to be 38

Wednesday, July 17, 2013



Watching my children grow up and become adults often makes me laugh. One thing that never changes is that sibling rivalry.  No matter how much they love each other there is always a good old fashion slinging of words every so often.
As children it was you’re a butthead, no you’re the butthead, or I’m going to tell mom and dad you said that.
Then as teenagers it was you suck, no you suck. Or the occasional we think mom and dad can’t hear us and this was the discovery of words like bitch, or penis head, or dick head.  Even threats like I’m going to beat your ass or bring it on your just a pussy.( Pardon the language but I’m sure we’ve all heard worse.)
Now as adults I really can’t say some of the things they sling back and forth but today was humorous as they were threatening bodily harm like gouging out each other eyeballs or punching each other in the face. I watched their eyes and even in aggravated moods they both looked at each other knowing they would never really do what they were saying.
I than began to think back on my sibling and some of the stupid things that came out of our mouths when we would argue and I am still laughing. I could only imagine what our mom was thinking.
Here’s the think we were raised not to talk like that and still did. My children were raised not to talk like that and still do.
What I know for sure is that no matter what we said to each other as children and what my children say to each other the sibling rivalry always plays a backseat to the good old fashion sibling bond that we all have with our brothers and sisters. I always refer to the old saying I can say whatever I want to my family but how dare anyone else say something and hurt them. Love is always stronger than a few knock down drag out mudslinging cat and dog fight between brothers and sisters. Especially sisters they are much more vicious than boys when it comes to slinging words.
I know some of you will look at this and think I am crazy but in all honesty if you have siblings you know exactly what I am talking about.

I love my girls

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Journey Around My World

A Journey Around My World

I started a journey that took turns and twists melting my soul and strengthening my spirit. Just when I thought I had it all figured out and my heart and head was set than something else would happen.
I let God lead the way and he lead me on a roller coaster ride through emotion. He made me did down and hold on and leap with everything I had. I took chances and gave up grudges and let go of all material things.
I walked away and ran back quickly. Sometimes confusion left me spinning and too this day I’m not quite sure what I am doing.
I never stopped believing and never stopped loving. I let it hurt sometimes and let it heal others. The ride is ongoing and I don’t know where I will land but side by side with those who love me and most of all letting God do all the thinking I know I will be o.k.

This journey has been not only my journey but my friends and family has come alone for the ride. Sometimes I think of how things could have turned out but most of the time I just think this is how it is suppose to be.