Saturday, January 26, 2013

A lifelong Partnership!

A lifelong Partnership!


I have had the great honor of living with and loving my true lifelong partner for twenty one years.

We have been there for each other in good times and bad times.

When I am falling apart he is always there to put me back together and when he is falling down I will always be there to pick him up.

We created to miracles (our daughters) that are there when we are both falling apart to attempt to put us back together.

We are completely opposite and at the same time surprisingly the similar.

We complement each other and challenge each other.

We may fight with each other but we spend more time fighting together for the same goals and dreams we set out to achieve all those years ago.

When life throws us trials and tribulations we put our heads together to see if between the two of us we can create a solution to the situation at hand.

When the road were on stars to split and we wonder down separate paths we always find that shortcut pack to the road we started on and head in the same direction again.

On those rare occasions that the road we’re traveling seems long and we feel tired one of us always has just the right words to re-energize and if needed carry the other until they have rested.

We have conquered many obstacles and made many sacrifices for each other and even created chaos for each other, but through it all the love has never changed and the determination to keep what we have has never disappeared.

I cannot imagine the last twenty one years without my partner and don’t want to imagine the next fifty years without my partner.

No matter what life brings us I know that we will continue to be stubborn, heard headed, and impossible. And I am grateful for that because it works so well for us.

Danny I love you and, I thank you for your heart, your love, your willingness to stay even when it’s hard and for never giving up. You are my lifelong partner and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

You asked me to tell you everything was going to me o.k. so here it is. We will always have bad days and we can’t control the world around us but we can stick together and fight as hard as we always have. As long as we do that it will be better than o.k.


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