Wednesday, January 16, 2013




I have often wondered and analyzed my dreams

Some funny, some confusing, some real, some unreal

I have often given power to my dreams

Some making sense, some making no sense

I have often disregarded my dreams

Some scary, some inspiring, some passionate

I have often had dreams while awake

Some of the future, some of the past,

I have often shared my dreams with others

Some with only a few, some with many

I have often forgotten my dreams

Some I wanted to remember, some I was happy to forget

I have often lived out my dreams

Some I chose to live out, some that lived whether I wanted or not

I have often had dreams for others

Some that will come true, some that are impossible

I have often listened to others dreams

Some that made me cry, some that made me smile

I have often had dreams speak to me

Sent to me by GOD, when I wouldn’t listen any other way

Some I cursed, some I praised, but all made me see

DREAMS what a wonderful, awful, exiting, terrifying, encouraging, discouraging, power of the mind.


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